Adventures in Living

This is a blog about our family. Our motto is "Adventures in Living". Here we will write about all the big adventures, mis-adventures, and ordinary ever-day adventures we come across. We continually live by the rule: "It's not an Adventure until things start going Wrong!" But, we always enjoy the ride anyway!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Snowy Snow Day

WOW! So, you have probably all heard about the snow out here. It was blowing and drifting a lot so we have a few patches in our front yard where we can see some grass sticking out and about 2 feet in front of our garage in dry pavement. We also have a place in our front yard that is 25" high and most of our backyard the yardstick dissapeared, so over 3 feet. We can't get the truck out yet, but we're working on it. We'll see how it is in the morning and then decide which vehicle to take; little Ion with no weight, or big Tundra with 4 wheel drive! Most of our subdivision is outside shoveling so I made a bunch of hot cocoa and Doyle and I took it around to everyone, not many takers, but we tried. Leia loves to try and run in the deep parts, but she mostly just jumps and then sinks to her belly and then jumps again and then sinks again. So cute! Here are some pictures. Enjoy!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Casey's Christmas musical

Kindergarten and first grade put on a great Christmas musical yesterday at school. They had been practicing for a long time on these songs and they all did such a great job. I wish I had videotaped it but at least I got pictures! And luckily the school arranged for me to go because I was working in 2nd grade yesterday so someone came in and took my class for an hour so I could see the show. And the great thing about Kris being a pastor is that he could be there too! We were very proud of Casey and he sounded awesome. He really has a great voice.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Happenings in the last couple weeks

We've had quite a bit going on since Thanksgiving. We celebrated at Doyle's Aunt and Uncle's house outside Iowa City. It was a fun time, we ate a lot of food, played a white elephant type gift game and got to meet Duane's fiance. Here is a picture of Doyle and his grandparents, George and Melva.

We stayed an extra week after Thanksgiving at Dad's while Doyle covered in Ames for another week.

Dad and I got to see Korey perform her dance routine at the Iowa State Dance Competition in Des Moines on the following Friday. I don't have any pictures from that because I was video taping, Dad will have some though. On friday night, Doyle was supposed to come down and meet Sarah, Dustin, Abby Davis and I to eat supper and then we were going to go see Jolly Holiday Lights. Doyle was very excited for this part. When Sarah, Abby and I were ready to leave the dance competition, I called Doyle and he seemed upset. He said a guy brought in a laptop that was blue-screening at 3:00, right when he was going to leave. By 9:30 after we had eaten, he was still working, so Abby and Sarah drove me to Ames to drop me off at Hach. That was about 10 pm. After getting him some supper, we ended up leaving Ames aournd 1:15 am, getting to Tama around 2 am. It was a LONG night.

Then on Saturday, Doyle and I hung out all day with Korey, we watched "You, Me, and Dupree" and "Nacho Libre" and ate Casey's Pizza. It was a good relaxing day. Then Doyle and I went to hear Dad's community band play at the Christmas Ball. They did really good and I was suprised how many of them were in the band.

Then on Sunday morning we left early to head to Morningside and see Miah. We had a lot of fun checking out the campus and then we ate at Hu-Hot, a mongolian buffett. It was so good! I was completely suprised I like it, it was mixed up!

When we got back home, we immediately went back to work. I'm working part-time at Aqua Spas and part-time as a "nanny" for 2 amazing little boys, almost 2 yrs and almost 4 months. We decorated our house for Christmas on Wednesday. That was fun, except Doyle got called out to a fire in the middle of it!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Hi! I made it home from Janes. Had a lot of fun shopping and meeting friends. Love, Grandma

Monday, December 04, 2006

Interstate 80 song!

The University of Iowa did their dance routine to this song at the State Dance competition. It's funny!