5 Year Anniversary
We are celebrating our anniversary next weekend in South Dakota by staying in a cabin near Mt. Rushmore and seeing all the sights there. But, we decided since that would be our last big vacation for a while we'd celebrate on our actual anniversary, Friday, in Northern Colorado.
First we went to the mall in Loveland and made our first Build a Bear for Tucker. He's a puppy with 2 different colored ears wearing a fire fighter outfit and helmet and his name is Blazer!
We also got Tucker a new outfit, it says "chicks dig me" in case you can't read it!
Then we went to a really big, cool park in Fort Collins that also had a dog park. Leia was interested for a little while, but mostly she was jealous of us petting other dogs!
Then we walked around a lake until we found a picnic spot. Doyle had packed a great supper with Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for dessert!
It rained for a little bit, just enough to cool it off, and to make these 2 beautiful rainbows. One is the brightest I'd ever seen, and the other is pretty faint in this picture.
There was even a little water play area that we took Leia into. She didn't enjoy it as much as we'd hoped, but she could still touch bottom, so she followed us around in it. Good practice for what we did on Sunday, another post for that adventure!
Then we ended the day at the drive in theater. Doyle had never been to a drive in and we had been wanting to see Rush Hour 3 and that's what was playing. We sat in the bed of the truck and it was beautiful out, especially with the mountains behind us!
We had a great time and we're really excited for our trip next weekend. We leave on Friday morning and get back on Monday night, we'll have more pictures to post after that I'm sure!
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