Adventures in Living

This is a blog about our family. Our motto is "Adventures in Living". Here we will write about all the big adventures, mis-adventures, and ordinary ever-day adventures we come across. We continually live by the rule: "It's not an Adventure until things start going Wrong!" But, we always enjoy the ride anyway!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to an Easter Egg hunt with the Cooks (I nanny for their boys) and Eric. It was FREEZING and snowing. Doyle and I were both in winter coats and hats and gloves. Augie (who is 2) walked past 5 or so eggs and picked up one, then walked past another 5 and picked up one more and then he was done. We stuck around for a little bit and then went out for breakfast. It was really fun, but really cold. That's Augie's little brother Becket in the bunny hat and Augie's fire truck Easter basket covered in snow!

Also, since I'm bragging about the job I love, I should say that I half quit was half fired from my other job. Long story, but I wasn't on the schedule anymore after next week and when I asked why, they said they didn't need me anymore, so I quit. They had me on the schedule for a few more days, but I decided if they couldn't be decent enough to let me know that I don't have a job anymore, I don't have to be decent to them either by helping them out for another week. Finally, I'm so glad to be done with that job! Now to decide if I should try and get another part time job to go with nannying or not.


  • At 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ahhh they are so cute


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